Wednesday 30 October 2013

5 Day Outfit Look Book for Female Teens

Welcome Back! It's been a couple weeks, but we are right back in it. This will be my last post for Fall trends of 2013 and I will start posting teen fashion for the Winter trends.
This post is for those girls that don't know exactly what they want to wear each day! Now look in your closet and see what you have similar to these images. The style icon here is Vanessa Hudgens. I picked her because she is a HUGE fashion icon for teens all over the world and she has AMAZING style. (Fashion must have for Fall-Winter Knitted Sweaters!)
I did not put days of the week because quite frankly I did not want you to assume that you could only wear the outfit that day! These outfits are ones that Vanessa has been scene in during the time of Fall and they are simple to recreate. (from Left to Right)

Outfit 1: Grab a nice loose shirt, preferably your favourite one with skinny jeans to pair or if you'd like a more casual look grab some long leggings. Pair it with a foe-leather jacket and nice coloured flats. This look works for the days you don't want to think too much about your outfit and you just want to get out of the house, but still look like you put effort into it.

Outfit 2: This outfit is great for those cooler lazy days and one of my go to outfits. Start with a plain camisole any colour because no one will really see it. Grab a warm comfy, oversized, knitted sweaters and pair it with dark wash skinny jeans. Grab your favourite pair of boots, either Ugg style boots or leather boots, your choice!

Outfit 3: This outfit is more fancy for those who want to look a little more done up, but still casual. Your favourite fall dress (nothing with bright colours) pair it with black tights to keep your legs warm. Add any style jacket does not have to be leather, and pair with your boots. (If you're going for a leather jacket like the picture it is better to pair it with leather boots just to keep the outfit flowing sorry V.)

Outfit 4: For the warmer days. Grab a graphic T pair with jeans or leggings and wear a pair of boots or flats. Also if it's a bit cool out, throw on a neutral zip up sweater.

Outfit 5: This is when it starts to become a lot colder out. A simple T-shirt and a cozy knitted sweater, paired with jeans to keep you warm, warm foe-fur boots and a cute hat to go with it. The coffee is optional!

That's the 5 day look book based on Vanessa's style! Hope you enjoyed and blog you next week!

Stay Fabulous <3

xoxo, Nix

Wednesday 9 October 2013

5 Day Outfit Look Book for Males

Hey all you men out there! Do you guys ever have that "what am I going to wear" problem? I'm sure it's even more difficult when decided it at 7:00 am. Hopefully this blog post will help those guys out there struggling with picking out their outfit during the week. These 5 looks are all casual and easy to put together with stuff you already have in your closet because I know how much you boys love to go shopping.
These outfits are all based on the picture at the top if you are looking for an image to look at when getting an idea. Ps. All shoes will be shown below.

Monday: We want this day to be more casual than the rest because everyone knows how difficult it is to get out of bed early after a nice weekend of sleeping in. I've gone with an easy style that still looks like you could have spent more time than you did. Start with a simple white T and add your favourite pull over sweater on top. On the bottom go for you favourite pair of jeans and you favourite sneakers and that's the look! The reason I say pick your favourite items is because when you feel comfortable and you love what you're wearing, it will make the miserable Monday go by faster!

Tuesday: In the picture, the model has a classic, nice, jean shirt with a thick jacket, but if it's not too cold outside you can wear a light sports jacket instead. For jeans we've got a nice black jean to even out the colours because blue jean on blue jean is just too much, but hey! If you fancy that, go for it. For the shoes I would go for a nice brown oxford shoe, very classy.

Wednesday: This is another hard day because it's the middle of the week and you're almost at the weekend so this look will be simple as well. Like Monday start with a white or black T and top it with a nice Polo sweater. Keeps you warm and still looking good. Go for a simple jean, the model has a light wash jean, but any colour will do and end it with either a Boat Shoe or Desert Boot.

Thursday: This is a more dressy look than the rest, but still casual enough to wear to school. Start with a collard shirt and put on a light cardigan sweater, try to stay away from black and white...those are too plain! Have fun with it. Put on a nice pair of jeans and finish it off with a casual boot.

Friday: Last day of the week and I know you are dying to get to the weekend so another truly simple one! Throw on your favourite T, with a fancy zip up sweater that comfortable, but also looks stylish. End it with a nice blue jean and pick one of the shoes already mentioned! Be creative, I can't dress you all the time! It's Friday make a joke of it. Remember fashion is supposed to be fun and new so go with the flow without looking too out of place!

 Until next time! Stay Fabulous!

xoxo, Nix

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Runway Trends for Fall (Women)

Hey all! I've been researching the fashion trends for fall and it's been super exciting! It is amazing seeing all of the new trends coming out this season. I want to get into the trends that I think are going to be very popular for the season of fall, but before I get to that I just want you girls to know that if I post a picture of the runway models please do not think that what they are wearing is the exact style trend that will be in stores. The runways are very exaggerated and made to make a statement. The clothing that will be in stores is a more wearable style for the consumers because obviously no one is going to go out looking like these models and if you do...Good on you! Confidence is a must!

Let's get to it!
This pallet has the trendy fall colours that you will be seeing on clothing in the stores for the season of fall! Aren't they gorgeous? All these colours are pretty neutral or wearable with anything in your closet. None of these colours are super bright and they definitely go with any skin tone. Army Green is a very popular colour for this fall as you might see in the below pictures and is probably my favourite colour trend this season! Remember anyone can wear anything, as long as you have the attitude to go with it!
Now for the clothes! The first style trend that is very popular on the runways is:
1. Suiting and Blazers!

The blazer is very cute and a has a more polished affect when adding it to your outfit. It keeps you looking casual yet put together in an easy way and all it takes is putting it on and walking out the door! The suits a coming back girls! Don't be afraid though, they are becoming a lot more laid back and fashionable so you don't feel like a man while wearing them! Just keep the suit classy, but simple by adding a fun heel and a fitted top!

2. Slits
Slits in dresses are very fun and gives off a sexy, free vibe. Though the leg is showing the dress is still classy and beautiful. It makes the guys look without showing them everything! Keep it a secret, nobody likes trashy!

3. Mixing Textures
There are a lot of mixing textures on the runway like leather mixing with fur or wool. Now this style is a love or hate trend and it depends on how you style it. This will definitely be a hard one to get in your wardrobe, but don't be afraid if this trend is not for you! You don't have to like everything, but try it, that never hurts!
4. Fur
Number three led into the fourth and final trend which is fur! This trend has been seen everywhere on the runways and is super classy! It is super easy to style fur weather it's a jacket, hat or just mittens and a scarf, but don't go overboard on fur! Having too much might just make you look like the "animal" it came from! (Hopefully none of you are buying real fur...Power to the Animals!)
Hope you all loved this week's post and it gave some of you ideas as to how you're going to dress this fall! Tune in next week for more!
Stay Fabulous!
xoxo, Nix